A Bad Solar Storm Could Cause an ‘Internet Apocalypse’
The undersea cables that connect much of the world would be hit especially hard by a coronal mass ejection. Powered by...
TekSavvy Takes Pirate Site Blocking Battle to Canada’s Supreme Court
In 2018, Canada’s Federal Court approved the country’s first pirate site-blocking order. Following a complaint from major media companies Rogers, Bell and TVA, the Court ordered several major ISPs to block access to the domains and IP-addresses of pirate IPTV service GoldTV. There was little opposition from Internet providers, except for TekSavvy, which quickly announced that it would appeal the ruling. The blocking injunction...
Calculate date and time ranges in Groovy
Every so often, I need to do some calculations related to dates. A few days ago, a colleague asked me to set up a new project definition in our (open source, of course!) project management system. This project is to start on the 1st of August and finish on the 31st of December. The service to be provided is budgeted at 10 hours per week. So, yeah, I had to figure out how many weeks between 2021-08-01 and 2021-12-31 inclusive. This is...
Linux kernel modules we can’t live without
The Linux kernel is turning 30 this year! If you’re like us, that’s a big deal and we are celebrating Linux this week with a couple of special posts. Today we start with a roundup of responses from around the community answering “What Linux kernel module can you not live without? And, why?” Let’s hear what these 10 enthusiasts have to say. I guess some kernel developers will run away screaming when they...