Watch Tower’s DMCA Warfare Collapses After Big Guns Defend Apostate
After researching thousands of DMCA notices and reporting on hundreds of copyright lawsuits, more often than not it takes just a few seconds or minutes to broadly establish the purpose of any action. In most cases rightsholders want alleged infringement to stop and in some, they also seek compensation for their losses. When cases deviate from this format they tend to stick out. When they involve the protection of copyright works that...
Pirate Bay’s Crypto ‘Token’ is Barely Alive After Just One Year
The cryptocurrency landscape has been hit hard this week. Bitcoin is down more than 50% from its high a few months earlier and even some ‘stablecoins’ have started to disintegrate. This type of volatility is not unexpected and the early adopters have already lived through a few of these crashes. This includes The Pirate Bay. The notorious torrent site is somewhat of a crypto pioneer. In 2013, it was one of the first to add support for...
5 benefits of switching from Google Analytics to Plausible
5 benefits of switching from Google Analytics to Plausible Tom Greenwood Mon, 05/16/2022 – 03:00 Register or Login to like Register or Login to like Google Analytics (GA) has been the industry standard web analytics tool for about as long as there have been analytics tools. Nearly every brief that my WordPress agency receives specifies that GA must be installed. And there is rarely any debate around whether it’s the best...
Use Composer to require Git repositories within PHP projects
Use Composer to require Git repositories within PHP projects Jonathan Daggerhart Mon, 05/16/2022 – 03:00 Register or Login to like Register or Login to like The dependency management tool Composer provides multiple ways to include Git repositories within a PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) project. In many cases, repositories have been created on Packagist, so requiring them with Composer is very straightforward. But what do you...