Metaverse Real Estate Sales to Grow by $5 Billion by 2026
The real estate market in the metaverse is projected to pass $5 billion by 2026. This is the prediction of the latest metaverse report by Technavio, a global market research firm. The report states that the rise will be fueled by the growth of the metaverse into a mixed reality environment, where people can take advantage of these spaces. Metaverse Real Estate Market to Grow Exponentially As the metaverse becomes a more living,...
Donald Trump Warns US Economy Is Facing ‘Much Bigger Problem Than Recession’ — ‘We’ll Have a Depression’
Former President Donald Trump has warned that the U.S. economy is facing “a much bigger problem than recession.” Noting that “We’ll have a depression,” he stressed: “We have to get this country going, or we’re going to have a serious problem.” Donald Trump on Economic Recession and Depression Former President Donald Trump warned Friday in a speech during a “Save America” rally in Arizona that the U.S. could enter an economic...
Sony Flags Its Own Website for Repeat Copyright Infringements
Copyright holders send out millions of takedown notices a day, hoping to remove pirated content or making it harder to find. The efficacy of the DMCA takedown process is open for debate but it certainly doesn’t help when companies flag their own websites as copyright infringing. Sony Targets Sony This is exactly what happened a few days ago. In a notice sent on behalf of Sony Pictures Network India, the company asks Google to remove...
Tour Collabora Online, an open source alternative to Google Workspace
Tour Collabora Online, an open source alternative to Google Workspace Heike Jurzik Mon, 07/25/2022 – 03:00 Register or Login to like Register or Login to like Setting up your own cloud office is an important step towards digital sovereignty. Collabora Online is an open source office suite for the cloud or on-premises that protects users’ privacy and allows them to keep full control of their data. The software is developed...
How to use LibreOffice Writer templates
How to use LibreOffice Writer templates Jim Hall Mon, 07/25/2022 – 03:00 Register or Login to like Register or Login to like A staple in any office software suite is the word processor. Whether your needs are small or large, from jotting down a note to writing a book, the word processor gets the job done. Most Linux distributions include the LibreOffice suite, and I use LibreOffice Writer as my word processor. LibreOffice Writer...