Five Men Indicted For Uploading Movies & Then Extorting ‘Pirate’ Downloaders

Five Men Indicted For Uploading Movies & Then Extorting ‘Pirate’ Downloaders

So-called copyright trolls come in all shapes and sizes and while most have a cynical approach to copyright law, some are prepared to go to extremes. The most notable case in the United States involved Prenda Law. After playing the victim for years, an investigation found that the law firm uploaded movies to sites like The Pirate Bay and then sued those who downloaded them. Two lawyers were later sentenced to prison, one of them for...

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Verizon Must Disconnect Pirates & Block Pirate Sites, New Lawsuit Demands

Verizon Must Disconnect Pirates & Block Pirate Sites, New Lawsuit Demands

Efforts to hold internet service providers in the United States accountable for the piracy activities of their subscribers are gaining momentum. In 2019, Cox Communications was ordered to pay a billion dollars in damages to record labels. The decision is being appealed by Cox, but it set the stage for similar lawsuits, including a new complaint reported just yesterday targeting AT&T. Filed in Texas by filmmaker Voltage Pictures...

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How to use modern Python packaging and setuptools plugins together

How to use modern Python packaging and setuptools plugins together

How to use modern Python packaging and setuptools plugins together Moshe Zadka Thu, 09/08/2022 – 03:00 Register or Login to like Register or Login to like Python packaging has evolved a lot. The latest (“beta”) uses one file, pyproject.toml, to control the package. A minimal pyproject.toml might look like this: [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"[project] name =...

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