How to Use DuckDuckGo’s Privacy-First Email Service

Tired of advertisers spying on your private communications? This beta promises to kick tracking technology to the curb. Powered by...

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The Queen’s Funeral Sets Off the Biggest UK Police Operation Ever

Snipers on buildings. Drone no-fly zones. Temporary CCTV. The security plan is even more complex than it was for the London 2012 Olympics. Powered by WPeMatico

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Working Group to Develop Efficiency Standard for Crypto Mining in Russia

Working Group to Develop Efficiency Standard for Crypto Mining in Russia

Crypto industry experts have formed a working group to draft a standard for energy-efficient and profitable cryptocurrency mining in Russia. The rules will aim to help developers and data center operators offer investors increased hardware uptime. Russia Prepares to Improve Efficiency of Mining Facilities in 2023 A group of crypto specialists have teamed up to elaborate a standard that should improve the overall efficiency of mining...

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Nigerian Inflation Rate Rises to 20.52% in August — Month-on-Month Rate Drops

Nigerian Inflation Rate Rises to 20.52% in August — Month-on-Month Rate Drops

While Nigeria’s year-on-year inflation rose for the seventh straight month to 20.52% in August 2022, the latest data from Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics shows that the month-on-month rate declined from 1.82% to 1.77% during the same period. The depreciation of the local currency, disruptions in the supply of food products, and an increase in the costs of production are said to be the factors behind the latest increase....

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Study: Samsung Named Most Active Investor in Crypto and Blockchain Startups

Study: Samsung Named Most Active Investor in Crypto and Blockchain Startups

Between September 2021 and mid-June 2022, Samsung invested in 13 crypto/blockchain companies thus making the South Korean corporation the most active among the top 40 corporations. Google’s parent Alphabet firm, on the other hand, tops the category of top corporations that participated in the biggest funding rounds. 40 Corporations Invest $6 Billion According to the research firm Blockdata’s analysis of investments in blockchain and...

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