Torrent Site User Who Transferred 120TB of Pirated Content Avoids Prison
Many private torrent sites track user traffic to ensure that when content is downloaded, an agreed amount is uploaded back to the rest of the community. Users can independently maintain their own transfer records, which help them keep track of overall bandwidth used and compliance with site rules, whenever traffic volume is an important factor. But whether they’re held locally, on a torrent site, or by an intermediary service, the...
Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 11/28/2022
The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only. These torrent download statistics are only meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources. This week we have five newcomers on the list. “Black Adam” is the most downloaded title. The most torrented movies for the week ending on November 28 are: Movie Rank...
Triller’s $150k ‘Landmark’ Win Over Jake Paul YouTube Pirate Deserves Nuance
YouTube is one of the most successful sites ever to grace the internet. The site is extremely easy to use and with almost no barriers to entry, it’s one of the best platforms to build an audience. On the downside, using unlicensed content to gain traction renders successes vulnerable to sudden collapse on the whim of a copyright holder. That could mean a strike, a channel ban, or even a lawsuit. After Arvin De La Santos restreamed the...
How open source is revitalizing the payphone
How open source is revitalizing the payphone Klaatu Mon, 11/28/2022 – 03:00 Phones used to act as the host for computer communication. Modems sent signals from computer to computer by utilizing the phone network. In today’s world, though, computers have become the host for telephony apps. Phones aren’t really phones any more, they’re literal computers. This has enabled some amazing technology, but many people...
3 open source audio tools for creators
3 open source audio tools for creators Ruth Cheesley Mon, 11/28/2022 – 03:00 Finding good quality, open source audio samples can be a challenge. I’ve been getting increasingly into composition and creating music in my spare time, using the open source tool Ardour and the creator-focused distribution Ubuntu Studio. I’ve been looking for samples of specific sounds or loops to include. I’m familiar with many tools...