Update your edge devices with this open source bootloader
Update your edge devices with this open source bootloader nicolas_rabault_luos Tue, 01/24/2023 – 03:00 Making updates to edge and embedded systems has historically been a painful process. Often, this involves working with multiple microcontrollers from different brands with different capabilities. Usually, each has its own custom bootloader, so it can be updated each board, one by one, with a specific firmware. Another common...
What you need to know about software bills of materials
What you need to know about software bills of materials zvr Tue, 01/24/2023 – 03:00 Modern software development is incredibly complex. Software nowadays is always comprised of a combination of components. These components are typically modules and libraries called by other code or even standalone programs that are used in conjunction with other programs. Until a few years ago, the 80/20 rule was valid: in any significant piece...
How to Encrypt any File, Folder, or Drive on Your System
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Bank of Spain Greenlights Euro-Backed Stablecoin Token Pilot Program
The Bank of Spain has given approval for the launch of a pilot program involving the issuance and usage of euro-pegged stablecoins. The program, which MONEI, a fintech institution, is launching, will allow users to issue digital euros with fiat deposits in order to experiment with these in payment applications, increasing their transparency. Bank of Spain Authorizes Digital Euro Token Tests Europe is becoming a hotspot for stablecoins...
Philippine Authorities Rescue Alleged Victims of ‘Crypto Trafficking Ring’
Philippine authorities say that they have rescued alleged victims of a “crypto trafficking ring” who were recruited to work in a call center in Cambodia and scam people out of their cryptocurrencies. The authorities are also investigating government employees who may have assisted crypto trafficking syndicates. Alleged Victims of ‘Crypto Trafficking Ring’ Rescued The Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI)’s travel control and...