What’s new in Apache ShardingSphere 5.3.0?
What’s new in Apache ShardingSphere 5.3.0? y2so Tue, 01/17/2023 – 03:00 After 1.5 months in development, Apache ShardingSphere 5.3.0 has been released. Our community merged 687 PRs from contributors around the world. The new release has been improved in terms of features, performance, testing, documentation, examples, etc. The 5.3.0 release brings the following highlights: Support fuzzy query for CipherColumn. Support...
How open source is addressing food sovereignty
How open source is addressing food sovereignty ffurtado Tue, 01/17/2023 – 03:00 Our food system is broken. As with so many systems of the 21st century, power is concentrated in the hands of very few companies, often geared toward exploiting people and the planet, under the premise of maximizing profit. Under such a mindset, feeding people is a secondary goal. When it comes to something as important as food, we can and should aim...