Risk of a US Government Shutdown Is Fueled by Very Online Republicans
Egged on by a far-reaching conservative media ecosystem, right-wing hardliners are forcing Washington to bend to their reality as the federal government careens toward a possible shutdown. Powered by...
Russia’s Manga Pirates Face Publisher’s Lawsuit & Increasing State Censorship
Signed by some of Russia’s most powerful tech and entertainment companies in 2018, a Memorandum of Cooperation saw the creation of a centralized database of pirated content. Internet companies agreed to query the database every few minutes and then remove corresponding content from their indexes. Those who benefited from the system declared it a success but not all types of content enjoyed protection. Book publishers and music...
Filmmakers Distribute Fake Movie Leak to Tease Pirates
A few hours ago, social media activity in India lit up when a ‘leak’ of the highly anticipated film “Fukrey 3” started to circulate. This third installment in the “Fukrey” comedy franchise is scheduled to premiere in theaters later this week, but pirates appeared to get it early once again. Local news media outlets were quick to jump on the topic and over the past several hours, numerous headlines eagerly informed readers that the...