6 Best Password Managers (2023): Features, Pricing, and Tips

Keep your logins locked down with our favorite apps for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, and web browsers. Powered by...

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Russia Prepares RuStore VPN Ban After Declaring RuStore Installation Mandatory

Russia Prepares RuStore VPN Ban After Declaring RuStore Installation Mandatory

Russia has been tightening the noose on VPN services for years. Many non-compliant foreign companies exited Russia when faced with a choice; compromise your customers’ privacy, or else. Any that remained were required to submit to state regulation, cooperate fully with the authorities, while ensuring that a massive list of domains and URLs censored by the state could not be accessed. How that has played out on the ground in practical...

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Anna’s Archive Scraped WorldCat to Help Preserve ‘All’ Books in the World

Anna’s Archive Scraped WorldCat to Help Preserve ‘All’ Books in the World

A few years ago, book piracy was considered a fringe activity that rarely made the news, but times have changed. Last year, the U.S. Department of Justice targeted popular shadow library Z-Library, accusing it of mass copyright infringement. Two of the site’s alleged operators were arrested and their prosecution is still pending. In recent months, shadow libraries have also been named in other lawsuits. Publishers sued Libgen over...

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