Njalla: Hundreds of Suspended .TV Domains Could Soon Return to Life
The last time over 200 pirate sites went offline at the same time was…..well, probably never. Certainly, so many sites have never gone down and stayed down for four days straight in what still amounts to a relatively tight niche. Yet that’s exactly what happened this week, when at least 200 .TV domains were suddenly rendered useless. WHOIS records revealed that the domains had a status of ‘serverHold’ which indicates a domain with no...
A Vending Machine Error Revealed Secret Face Recognition Tech
A student investigation at the University of Waterloo uncovered a system that scanned countless undergrads without consent. Powered by WPeMatico
A Mysterious Leak Exposed Chinese Hacking Secrets
Plus: Scammers try to dupe Apple with 5,000 fake iPhones, Avast gets fined for selling browsing data, and researchers figure out how to clone fingerprints from your phone screen. Powered by WPeMatico
SBINFT’s Jangdeok Ko Links the Surge in NFT Piracy to the Ease of Token Minting
Since Japan designated Web3 as a “national strategy,” an increasing number of traditional companies in the country have either merged or are contemplating integrating their businesses with Web3, Jangdeok Ko, the CEO of the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace SBINFT, has said. Ko conceded however that many of these companies are still in the “trial-and-error stage,” […] Powered by...
ECB Economists: Bitcoin Fails to Become Global Decentralized Digital Currency, BTC’s Fair Value Is Still Zero
The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a blog post claiming that “bitcoin has failed to fulfill its original promise to become a global decentralized digital currency.” The ECB economists who authored the post added that bitcoin’s fair value is still zero and bitcoin transactions are “still inconvenient, slow, and costly.” Moreover, they asserted that […] Powered by...