Google Search Takedown Requests Rush to 8 Billion at Record Pace

Google Search Takedown Requests Rush to 8 Billion at Record Pace

For many people, Google is the go-to starting point when they need to find something on the web. With just a few keystrokes, the search engine can find virtually anything. This is generally good, but copyright holders are not happy with all content that can be discovered. Pirates sites, for example, should remain hidden when possible. In recent years Google has tweaked its algorithms to address this issue. At the same time, it...

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‘IFPS Gateway Operator is not Liable for Pirated Software Keys’

‘IFPS Gateway Operator is not Liable for Pirated Software Keys’

The InterPlanetary File System, more broadly known as IPFS, has been around for nearly a decade. While the name may sound alien to the general public, the peer-to-peer file storage network has a growing user base among the tech-savvy. In short, IPFS is a decentralized network where users make files available to each other. The system makes websites and files censorship-resistant and not vulnerable to regular hosting outages; as long...

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