U.S. Trade Representative Lists the Most Notorious Piracy Threats

U.S. Trade Representative Lists the Most Notorious Piracy Threats

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) published its annual “Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets” a few hours ago. The non-exhaustive list includes dozens of sites and services linked to piracy or counterfeiting activity. The report is largely based on input from copyright industry groups, including the RIAA and MPA. Platforms detailed in recommendations filed late last year, are meant to serve as ‘prominent and...

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Google Deindexes 200 Streaming Sites For Violating EU Sanctions on Russia

Google Deindexes 200 Streaming Sites For Violating EU Sanctions on Russia

The adage that the first casualty of war is the truth held solid as Russia denied any intention of invading Ukraine, even as it was actively doing so. State-controlled media, television presenters in particular, turned in some remarkable performances for the benefit of local audiences. While dramatically documenting events that bore only a passing resemblance to reality on the ground, broadcasters including Russia Today, Sputnik, and...

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