Setting new expectations for open source maintainers

Practicing empathy

For a long time, there were two basic tests for releasing open source: “Does it do what I need it to do?” and “Does it compile?”

Sure, it was nice if it did things for others, but more than anything else, it at least needed to be fun for the developer and run at all for others. Then with the rise of package management, things leveled up a bit: “Is it packaged?” Shortly after that, the increasing popularity of test-driven development added another requirement: “Do the tests pass?”

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Author: dasuberworm

Standing just over 2 meters and hailing from о́стров Ратма́нова, Dasuberworm is a professional cryptologist, entrepreneur and cage fighter. When he's not breaking cyphers and punching people in the face, Das enjoys receiving ominous DHL packages at one of his many drop sites in SE Asia.

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