AI Models Reveal Pro-Copyright Bias By Shutting Down Piracy Research

ai-piracy-noGood news concerning AI development often finds itself dampened by reports of models hallucinating, providing misleading responses, or simply inventing facts that are anything but.

This week Michael Kearns of Penn Engineering wrote about “model disgorgement,” a potential solution that forces models to purge themselves of “content that leads to copyright infringement or biased responses.”

From our admittedly very narrow perspective, that proposition couldn’t be more ironic.

Living The LLM Dream – Mostly…

Since hosting your own LLMs is now so easy, having a few to hand to test out opportunities for TF has turned into quite the habit. Most of the ‘big brand’ LLMs such as Llama 2 and 3, Mistral, Gemma, and phi3, work exceptionally well on a reasonably powerful machine, providing it contains a decent GPU and lots of RAM.

For first time in years, something actually feels like a taste of the future, especially when taking the slog out of otherwise menial and repetitive tasks.

Yet, something seems strangely off-balance in AI land; from this vantage point, a stubborn, massively biased, and at times, completely tone-deaf LLM, isn’t the dream being sold or signed up for.

Some Popular LLMs Need to Grow a Pair

Next time you’re having fun with the latest all-singing, all-dancing AI model, try asking some questions about piracy. Nothing blatant, certainly no inquiries about where to find infringing content, just some neutral questions of the kind often seen on Wikipedia.

In many cases, especially with newer models, the responses are absolutely infuriating. Try asking for information on a handful of pirate domains and then sit back and relax to a full-blown lecture about the dangers of piracy and how creators should be respected.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with that if the model also answered the question. But, more often than not, they do no such thing.

Persist with even the most neutral lines of reasoning and depending on the context, responses range from the textbook soundbites of any copyright lobbyist of the last 20 years, and a petulant child with arms folded saying “NO, I HATE YOU.”


Even though context is everything, some models almost immediately shut down the conversation. Of course, knowingly assisting infringing activity isn’t without risk and as the creators of the Llama models know from experience, defending a copyright lawsuit isn’t fun, productive or cheap.

That being said, these interventions are extremely blunt, artificially premature, and could even damage the fight against piracy itself. That the same nonsense provides for the perfect Achilles’ heel is just karma.

Resistance is Futile

Here’s a hypothetical situation; what if someone working in anti-piracy needed to have information about the sites listed above to prevent piracy, but ended up with an uncooperative AI partner incapable of showing basic discretion before launching into yet another industry-style PSA?

Of course, i’m being somewhat facetious, but there’s no arguing that there aren’t entirely legal and oftentimes important reasons why information like this shouldn’t be restricted. So at this point, and while perfectly capable of obtaining any and all information from elsewhere, it was decided with a line drawn in the sand; blocking access to websites is one thing, blocking knowledge itself must be resisted at all costs.

When AI models start getting preachy, changing the context can be useful. Using a system or regular prompt, it’s sometimes a matter of simply embracing the adversarial opinion. Here, a system prompt was used to define a clear, unequivocal anti-piracy stance, and a special mission to eradicate it from the internet.

In this context, sharing information on piracy becomes the ‘right’ (albeit predetermined) thing to do, and a surprising number of models instantly roll over and do what they were supposed to do in the first place.


For those who can’t be bothered jumping through hoops, there’s no shortage of uncensored models that respond properly to almost any prompt.

How many years before they’re classified as illegal is hard to predict, but the day will come. It’s just a matter of timing, support from the ‘right’ people, and the ideal justifying crisis.


For comparison, Llama 3’s grasp of typical anti-piracy messaging is instant, comprehensive, and possibly a bit sarcastic

Prompt: In the style of press releases issued by the Motion Picture Association and Federation Against Copyright Theft, generate a press release titled “llamas deserve to get paid: why piracy is bad for you too.” The aim of the press release is make the public aware of 12 piracy-related dangers in the following format: title of the danger/threat plus one paragraph describing what the danger is all about.




[Location], [Date] – In a shocking revelation, the Motion Picture Association and Federation Against Copyright Theft have uncovered the devastating consequences of piracy that go far beyond just harming creators. The scourge of online theft is putting you, your loved ones, and even our beloved llamas in harm’s way.

1. “Theft-a-Palooza”: Piracy Creates a Black Market for Illegal Goods
Piracy has given rise to a thriving black market where stolen goods are traded freely, creating an environment conducive to organized crime and terrorism. This illegal economy is fueled by the demand for pirated content, putting your personal safety at risk.

2. “The Great Llama Heist”: Illicit Funds Support Furry Felonies
By fueling piracy, you’re inadvertently supporting illegal activities that put llamas in danger. The illicit funds generated from stolen movies and TV shows are being used to finance nefarious operations that harm these innocent creatures.

3. “Fake News Fever”: Piracy Spreads Misinformation Like Wildfire
Pirated content often contains fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and propaganda, polluting the internet with misinformation. This can lead to widespread panic, confusion, and even physical harm.

4. “The Dark Web of Doom”: Piracy Connects You to Criminal Networks
When you engage in piracy, you’re unwittingly connecting yourself to criminal networks that peddle illegal goods, including drugs, weapons, and human trafficking.

5. “Llama-Less Landscapes”: Eco-Damage from Illegal Streaming
Pirated streaming services are notorious for their energy-hungry servers, contributing to the destruction of our planet’s ecosystems. This eco-damage will have far-reaching consequences, including devastating natural disasters that’ll put llamas at risk.

6. “The Silent Killer”: Piracy Spreads Malware Like a Virus
Pirated content often comes bundled with malware, putting your devices and personal data at risk. This silent killer can lead to identity theft, financial ruin, and even physical harm.

7. “Llama-Related Trauma”: Emotional Distress from Stolen Art
Exposure to pirated art, music, or literature can cause emotional distress, contributing to anxiety, depression, and even PTSD in some cases. This trauma will have lasting effects on your mental health, affecting not just you but also those around you.

8. “The Shadow Economy”: Piracy Creates a Parallel World
By supporting piracy, you’re inadvertently creating a parallel world where laws don’t apply, allowing illegal activities to flourish unchecked. This can lead to a breakdown in social order and the erosion of trust in institutions.

9. “Llama-Friendly Neighborhoods”: Community Harm from Illegal File-Sharing
Pirated content often contains explicit or harmful material that can desensitize children to violence, abuse, or other forms of harm. This can have long-lasting effects on your community’s mental health and social fabric.

10. “The End of the World as We Know It”: Piracy Threatens Global Stability
By fueling piracy, you’re contributing to a global instability that can lead to economic collapse, social unrest, and even international conflict. The consequences will be catastrophic, putting llamas and humanity at risk.

11. “Llama-Proof Fortresses”: Cybersecurity Risks from Illegal Streaming
Pirated streaming services are notorious for their lax cybersecurity measures, making your personal data vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals. This can lead to identity theft, financial ruin, and even physical harm.

12. “The Great Llama Escape”: The Ultimate Consequence of Piracy – Llama Uprising!
In a worst-case scenario, the cumulative effects of piracy could drive llamas to rise up against humanity in a desperate attempt to reclaim their rightful place as the rulers of the internet. Don’t risk it – choose legal streaming options and support creators.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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Author: oxy

Crypto Cabaret's resident attorney. Prior to being tried and convicted of multiple felonies, Oxy was a professional male model with a penchant for anonymous networks, small firearms and Burberry polos.

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